Chicken Pox!

It been a funny old day.

It started at 6:50 when I got to work. 7:15 the texts started, is Lauren OK? Lauren had woken up, she'd been really hot in the night, Tony thought it was a sweat rash, Lauren thought it was chicken pox. She has had a headache for 2 days, but we did once think she had chicken pox for a full week only to discover she had infected eczema. Chicken pox was ruled out and it was decided it was eczema or heat rash and Lauren was able to go off an enjoy her last ever day at Fit for Sport.
I expected a call all day saying please can you come and pick her up!
No call.

Breakfast was fruit salad and raspberry quark (all free and speed).

I ate pasta while Ginny ate my laces!
Half way through the morning we were all called to a last minute meeting - everyone must attend! Over the years these meetings have brought about both happiness and tears, indifference and sometimes plain confusion. No work got done for half an hour while people speculated what it could be about, should we be worried? In the end, we needn't have worried, it was the kind of meeting where the organisers were really affected and felt a meeting was required, the feeling from the floor was an e-mail would have done!

Lunch was a lean corned beef (3 syns) salad (speed), a little 1970's but very filling, the pickles to offset the beef with their sweetness and acidity.

The day continued on in a chaotic fashion and chicken pox fell to the back of my mind, so when I rushed out of the building at 15:20 taking the opportunity to have a chat with my friend Helen on the way, our first chat since our recent trip to the cinema when we thought Girls Trip was Rough Night, lots of confusion and lots of laughing! I forgot that it might be a good idea to take my lap top home. By the time I got over to club I'd had a text message from Lauren asking if I could pick her up early. It didn't take long to realise she did really have Chicken Pox. Good news that it's finally arrived and it's not in school time, but 2 days before our holiday?!

What it did mean was that as soon as Husband Tony came through the door, I had to go back out, back to work, to get what I needed to work from home.

I came home to a lovely chicken pasta dish (free and speed), with my Health extra cheese on top.

We watched episode 15 of the new Twin Peaks while having our coffee. I think Lauren's comment summed up this weeks offering "Why is the massive teapot speaking?". She was on good form "Can I have an ice cream? I am poorly after all!". I relented and let her have one and for my supper I had a toasted bagel (healthy b) and 2 tsp 100% peanut, peanut butter (3 syns)

One more day before weigh in, I'm actually looking forward to it.

Slimming World Summary of the Day

Healthy A - 40g low fat cheddar
Healthy B - Fitzgerald's seeded bagel slim
Snacks - apple (speed), Fibre One (4 syns)
Types of fruit and vegetable: 11
Drinks: Water and coffee

Syns: 10 (peanut butter 3 syns, corned beef 3, snacks 4 syns)


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