2013 Favourites #1 - Favourite 3 course pub meal from the White Lion Brinsley

A series of things I never got round to mentioning from last year ....

My favourite 3 course pub meal, from The White Lion, Brinsley

Crispy brie parcels on a pear salad. What's not to like, I will choose a brie starter whenever I see it on the menu. In this case a crispy filo shell filled with piping hot, melted, creamy brie.

Chicken breast, stuffed with a chicken and herb mousse, served in a petit pois a la francaise sauce, with green beans and ham and lovely parmentier potatoes, not quite how the description appeared on the menu but I think it's a great explanation of what I got, it was delicious and by far the best thing I paid for out last year, lovely moist chicken and so packed with flavour and texture, absolutely scrumptious. I was so disappointed when the menu changed.

Raspberry cheesecake with white chocolate ice cream....what can I say, I love cheesecake and this was thick and tangy and fruity and splendid!


  1. Is this by the new chef or old one? That brie parcel looks like it's begging to give you a cheesy migraine lol

  2. The new chef...it was fab, but the menus seem to be much simpler now. No cheesy migraine - I will have brie starter everytime, expecially with some onion marmalade or cranberry sauce :-)


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